produsen kardus snack WA 085855865173 JAKARTA
Click, snack cardboard, contemporary snack cardboard, chocolate snack cardboard, plain white snack cardboard, cheap snack cardboard, aqua snack cardboard, snack bouquet of cardboard, snack cardboard design, snack cardboard price, snack cardboard contents, small cardboard for snacks, We sell paper packaging currently still very minimal, so distributors who are now having difficulty meeting consumer needs, consumers of paper packaging are not only merchants on the side of the road but have arrived such as factories, cafes, restaurants, etc. There are 2 types of paper that are commonly used as packaging materials for snack boxes, namely: Ivory paper is a paper that is safe to use as a food packer. It has two white sides with two different textures. One side is finely textured, while the other texture feels perverted like HVS. Duplex paper is paper that has one white side and one gray side, which is located on the back of the paper. Duplex paper is common for food and n...